This is my journey through weight loss, quiting smoking, and playing the kick ass sport of Roller Derby.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

And It Begins

Hello, let me introduce myself. I am Meggs aka Meggs N Breakin.

I am one of those people who are "okay" at a lot of stuff. I was on dance team in high school, I was okay. I make jewelry, its okay. I sing, I'm okay. I enjoy cooking, its just okay. I art journal, its okay. Well I have finally found something that I am more than "okay" at!! Roller effing Derby! So that brings me to why I am doing this. If I have found something that I am truly passionate about then I should strive to be the best at it, right?

I have three goals going into this next year:

1. To lose weight, in a healthy way for my well being, and so I can feel like a sexy lil thang in my derby uniform come June 2012.
2. STOP SMOKING! This one is going to be hard. I have been smoking for years. I am aware that it is bad for me, that is why I want to quit. I have managed to cut myself down to 1-4 a day. At one point in time I was going through an entire pack. I am just tired of it, the smell, the taste, the fact that it severely slows me down.
3. To FINALLY be in my first bout. We will touch on that at a later time.

I have a plan...
I am going to attempt to quit smoking cold turkey, if it gets too hard I will purchase some sort of patch or gum to assist me. I am ready to not be a smoker. The hardest part is that so many people in my life smoke. Derby and my health are much more important than that nasty ciggy.
I am putting myself on a strict but healthy diet. I have to fuel and take care of my body. Not to mention get rid of all this weight that I carry in my belly. This week is the last week that we will be having practice until the beginning of January. I am going to work out at the Gym with Joey as much as possible and attend speed practice. I am scared to death of speed practice!
And last, being the Vice President and Interleague Liaison I have set up a very nice schedule for our first bouting season. I have a few more slots to fill, but other than that, I know when I will finally get to be in my first bout after 2 freakin years.

This will be interesting...

Derby Love,

1 comment:

  1. You got this Meggs! You know I'll be there to support you every step of the way :)
