This is my journey through weight loss, quiting smoking, and playing the kick ass sport of Roller Derby.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Back On Track

Well, it has been a few months since I last posted. I have been super busy. I got a new job that I love and is offering me lots of great opportunity. Not much change on the diet or smoking front. I am actually pretty disappointed in myself. The holidays were pretty hard for me and with some derby drama (Not in my league, we rock!)  mixed in the smoking didn't have a chance.
Derby updates, I am helping coach our new men's league, it is a lot of fun, not to mention I like telling people what to do. I have been trouble with my shins but I will keep on trying, I will not let it drag me down. Our league is slowly but surely growing every week. I am so proud to watch what we are becoming. Check out of facebook page. Benton County Roller Derby has come a long way and I can'y wait to see what this next year holds in store for us.
On the diet front, I have been really good for a few weeks and haven't lost a pound. After talking to my doctor we determined that because of my PCOS and insulin resistance that I need to be a program centered around my problems. So this week I am starting a program called Ideal Protein. It is a very strict program but I have seen the results in others so I am willing to try it. Not to mention, I do well with restrictions, if I am told what I can and cannot eat then I am okay. We will see how it goes. Updates to come!
I know this is a short update, but I didn't want to abandom my blog. I will make a better effort to update at least once a week.
Two awesome things that happened since I last updates:
My neice Leighla was born and she is adorable! Derby baby all the way!
And I am blonde now!!!!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Last Pack

So this is what happened. I had planned on no more ciggies, at all! I guess I hadn't made that very clear to Adam. The day after my first blog post, which he did not read btw, he walked out of the gas station and handed me this pack! I was completely offended! As my loving husband shouldn't he be supportive of my choices to have a healthier lifestyle?
Well the week before I had been bitching at him for never buying me ciggies and that I hated smoking his. That mixed with not reading my blog or listening to me talk about not smoking resulted in this pack being in my possession.
So, I have decided to treat this as my weening pack. As you can see I have written the date on there. As part of my process I am going to see how long I can keep this pack. It will be there for emergencies only! 
I'm not going to lie, I am nervous about quitting. But hell, I'm a derby girl, I can do anything!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Derby Journey

I went to my first derby practice probably 4 or 5 years ago. One of the awesome women on The Northwest Arkansas Roller Girls (NWARD) was a customer of mine at Starbucks and invited me to come. I tried it out. It was okay. I didn't go back. I didn't catch the fever. It wasn't the right time for me.
In January of 2010 I accepted a promotion in my job and moved myself, my hubby, and our cat three hours from home. I had never moved away from home before. When I was younger and still lived at home we moved around a lot, but this was totally different. I had no friends, no family, just my job and my hubby.
After a month I was starting to go crazy. I became really depressed and  gained over 20 pounds. This was really hard for me, before we moved I had lost over 40 pounds. So, to not fit in those cute little jeans that I worked so hard for was devastating. I had to get myself into something.
We were hanging around one night and I decided to watch Whip It. I had seen it before and loved it so I thought I would watch it again. As I sat there watching this awesome movie I thought "I am only a little ways away from Little Rock, they have to have a derby team". Sure enough they did. One of the girls that used to skate with NWARD that I knew through a mutual friend had moved to Little Rock, so I sent her a message and asked her to go with me. She agreed! I was so excited. I was terrified to drive in Little Rock, but I was determined to give Roller Derby another shot. So at the tail end of February  2010 I attended my first derby practice with Central Arkansas Roller Derby (CARD).
Right away I was hooked. I had an outlet! It was hard. I pushed myself every practice. I wasn't the best but damn it I tried. I drove 40 minutes there and 40 minutes back twice a week, sometimes three, but it was worth it. It was so nice to talk to people besides my employees and husband.
After 7 months I was done with our new "home". As much as I loved derby and the girls, I was terribly depressed. I was two months away from my first bout but I couldn't take it anymore. I missed my friends. I missed my family. I missed Northwest Arkansas. So as hard as it was I asked for a demotion and to be sent back home.
I was so happy to be back home! And thank goodness there was a derby team here so I wouldn't have to give up on something that I loved so much. Or so I thought.
I went to a few NWARD practices when I could. For some reason I had a really hard time making my schedule work with their practice schedule.  Why isn't this working?
I didn't skate for several months. I missed my skates. I missed derby. I was getting depressed again.
Then the magic of Craigslist happened. I was bored and browsing around the community page when I stumbled upon an ad "Looking for skaters". I clicked on the link and what is this? A new derby team in Benton County that practices on Tuesday NIGHT!?!? I immediately sent Opportunity Knocks (my now derby wife) an email explaining who I was and what kind of experience I had and let her know I would be at her practice on Tuesday. My first practice with The Benton County Derby Dames (BCDD) was at the end of February 2011, almost exactly one year from the day I started derby.
I immediately loved BCDD, I clicked with them very quickly. I knew I had found my new derby family!
That is my story and I am proud of it. I never gave up. I never will give up. I am gonna play until I can't play anymore. Then I am going to ref until I can't ref anymore. Then I am going to coach until I can't coach anymore. I love my relationship with Derby and we aren't breaking up any time soon.

Derby Love,

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

And It Begins

Hello, let me introduce myself. I am Meggs aka Meggs N Breakin.

I am one of those people who are "okay" at a lot of stuff. I was on dance team in high school, I was okay. I make jewelry, its okay. I sing, I'm okay. I enjoy cooking, its just okay. I art journal, its okay. Well I have finally found something that I am more than "okay" at!! Roller effing Derby! So that brings me to why I am doing this. If I have found something that I am truly passionate about then I should strive to be the best at it, right?

I have three goals going into this next year:

1. To lose weight, in a healthy way for my well being, and so I can feel like a sexy lil thang in my derby uniform come June 2012.
2. STOP SMOKING! This one is going to be hard. I have been smoking for years. I am aware that it is bad for me, that is why I want to quit. I have managed to cut myself down to 1-4 a day. At one point in time I was going through an entire pack. I am just tired of it, the smell, the taste, the fact that it severely slows me down.
3. To FINALLY be in my first bout. We will touch on that at a later time.

I have a plan...
I am going to attempt to quit smoking cold turkey, if it gets too hard I will purchase some sort of patch or gum to assist me. I am ready to not be a smoker. The hardest part is that so many people in my life smoke. Derby and my health are much more important than that nasty ciggy.
I am putting myself on a strict but healthy diet. I have to fuel and take care of my body. Not to mention get rid of all this weight that I carry in my belly. This week is the last week that we will be having practice until the beginning of January. I am going to work out at the Gym with Joey as much as possible and attend speed practice. I am scared to death of speed practice!
And last, being the Vice President and Interleague Liaison I have set up a very nice schedule for our first bouting season. I have a few more slots to fill, but other than that, I know when I will finally get to be in my first bout after 2 freakin years.

This will be interesting...

Derby Love,